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Local Funding

Developing a Plan to Repair & Upgrade Aging Local Schools

The Fruitvale School District (FSD) has a long-held reputation of excellence, serving students in our neighborhood TK-8 grade schools. Our teachers, staff and parents are committed to providing high-quality programs and ongoing instructional improvements.

Safe, Modern Neighborhood Schools for all Students

Thanks to community support, upgrades and repairs have been made to some of our neighborhood schools in recent years, however needed improvements and updates remain. Our schools continue to age and require repairs to meet today’s safety, security and educational standards.


Students today must have a solid background in science, math and technology. Updating our schools now would help ensure our local students have a bright future in high school, college and future careers.


Unfortunately, the State does not provide adequate funding for facilities, meaning local schools cannot maintain quality educational programs without a local funding source.


Local Funding to Repair and Upgrade Our Schools

To complete identified repairs and improvements across all FSD schools, the Board of Trustees is considering placing a $36 million bond measure on the November 2024 ballot.

Funding from this potential measure could be used to:

  • Repair or replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating, ventilation and electrical systems, and remove hazardous materials where needed
  • Upgrade our older schools so they meet the same safety standards as newer schools
  • Upgrade classrooms, labs and school facilities to support high quality instruction in math, science, engineering and technology
  • Improve access to school facilities for students with disabilities


This potential measure would cost 3¢ per $100 of a property’s assessed (not market) value per year, while bonds are outstanding, or about $79 a year (or $6.50 a month) for the typical homeowner.


Mandatory Fiscal Accountability and Local Control

By law, a bond measure would require accountability protections:

  • All funds would be locally controlled for our schools only and could not be taken away by the State
  • Independent citizens’ oversight and annual audits to ensure all funds are spent as voters intended
  • No funds could be used for staff or administrators’ salaries
  • A project list outlining the specific use of funds


Learn More!

  • Fill Out Our Survey here!