FSD Plans

Current Plan
Testing Framework
California's K-12 schools of COVID-19 testing strategies for the 2022-2023 school year
Previous Documents
- 2022-07 ESSERIII LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Rev.7_2022
- 2022-04-05 ESSERIII LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
- 2022-03-14 ESSERIII LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
- 2022-02-01 ESSERlll Expenditure Plan
- 2022-01-13 ESSER III & LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
- 2022-01-13 Emergency Staffing Executive Order
- 2021-22 ESSER III_LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Rev. 3_14_22
- 2021-08-16 ESSER III & LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
- 2021-08-16 Covid Prevention Program (CPP)
- 2021-07-14 ESSER III & LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
- 2021-07-14 Covid Prevention Program (CPP)
- 2021-06-14 LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
- 2021-05-27 Expanded Learning Opportunites Grant Plan
- 2021-03-23 Fruitvale SD Full Day Parent Letter
- 2021-03-22 Fruitvale SD Reopening Plan
- 2021-02-18 Fruitvale SD Reopening Plan
- 2021- 01-04 Fruitvale SD Reopening Plan
- 2020-12-02 Covid Prevention Program (CPP)
- 2020-11-09 Fruitvale SD Reopening Plan
- 2020-10-13 Resolution for In-Person Instruction
- 2020-10-13 Notice of Intent to Reopen for In-Person Instruction
- 2020-10-12 Fruitvale SD In-Person Initial ELPAC Testing Plan
- 2020-10-09 Spanish Reopening Plan Letter
- 2020-10-02 Fruitvale SD TK-6 Grade Waiver Application
- 2020-09-08 Fruitvale SD Priority Group 3 Reopening Plan
- 2020-09-08 Fruitvale SD Priority Group 2 Reopening Plan
- 2020-09-08 Fruitvale SD Priority Group 1 Reopening Plan
- 2020-09-08 7th-8th Grade COVID-19 In-Person Instruction Safety Plan
- 2020-06-09 Fruitvale SD LCAP COVID-19 Operations Written Report