Board Policies and Administrative Regulations
0000. Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans
0420.41-E(1): Charter School Oversight
1000. Community Relations
1113-E(1): District And School Websites
1312.2-E(1): Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials
1312.3-E(1): Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.3-E(2): Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.4-E(1): Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.4-E(2): Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
Series 2000: Administration
- AR_2122 Superintendent of Schools: Job Description
- BP_2000 Concepts and Roles of Administration
- BP_2100 Administrative Staff Organizations
- BP_2110 Superintendent Responsibilities and Duties
- BP_2120 Superintendent of Schools
- BP_2121 Superintendent's Contract
- BP_2122 Superintendent of Schools: Job Description
- BP_2140 Evaluation of the Superintendent
- BP_2210 Administrative Discretion Regarding Board Policy
- BP_2230 Representative and Deliberative Groups
3000. Business and Noninstructional Operations
4000. Personnel
4040-E(1): Employee Use Of Technology
4112.3-E(1): Oath Or Affirmation
4112.9-E(1): Employee Notifications
4112.9-E(2): Employee Notifications
4112.9-E(3): Employee Notifications
4119.12-E(1): Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
4119.21-E(1): Professional Standards
4119.42-E(1): Exposure Control Plan For Bloodborne Pathogens
4212.3-E(1): Oath Or Affirmation
4212.5-E(1): Criminal Record Check
4219.12-E(1): Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
4219.21-E(1): Professional Standards
4219.42-E(1): Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens
4312.3-E(1): Oath Or Affirmation
4312.5-E(1): Criminal Record Check
4319.12-E(1): Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
4319.21-E(1): Professional Standards
4319.42-E(1): Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens
Series 5000: Students
- AR_5020 Parent Rights and Responsiblities
- AR_5022 Student and Family Privacy Policies
- AR_5111.1 District Residency
- AR_5111.12 Residency Based on Parent/Guardian Employment
- AR_5111.13 Residency for Homeless Children
- AR_5111 Admission
- AR_5112.1 Exemptions from Attendance
- AR_5112.2 Work Permits
- AR_5113.1 Chronic Absence and Truancy
- AR_5113.2 Work Permits
- AR_5113 Absences and Excuses
- AR_5116.1 Intradistrict Open Enrollment
- AR_5117 Interdistrict Attendance
- AR_5118 Open Enrollment Act Transfers
- AR_5121 Grades/Evaluations of Student Achievement
- AR_5123 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention
- AR_5125.1 Release of Directory Information
- AR_5125.2 Withholding Grades, Diploma or Transcripts
- AR_5125.3 Challenging Student Records
- AR_5125 Student Records
- AR_5131.1 Bus Conduct
- AR_5131.4 Student Disturbances
- AR_5131.6 Alcohol and Other Drugs
- AR_5131.62 Tobacco
- AR_5131.63 Steroids
- AR_5131.7 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
- AR_5132 Dress and Grooming
- AR_5136 Gangs
- AR_5141.21 Gangs Administering medication and Monitoring Health Conditions
- AR_5141.24 Specialized Health Care Services
- AR_5141.26 Tuberculosis Testing
- AR_5141.27 Food Allergies/Special Dietary needs
- AR_5141.3 Health Examiniations
- AR_5141.31 Immunizations
- AR_5141.32 Health Screening for School Entry
- AR_5141.4 Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting
- AR_5141 Health Care and Emergencies
- AR_5142.1 Identification and Reporting of Missing Children
- AR_5142 Safety
- AR_5144.1 Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process
- AR_5144.2 Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process (Students with Disabilities)
- AR_5144 Discipline
- AR_5145.12 Search and Seizure
- AR_5145.2 Freedom of Speech/Expression
- AR_5145.7 Sexual Harassment
- AR_5145.8 Refusal to Harm or Destroy Animals
- BP_5146 Married-Pregnant-Parenting Students
- BP_5020 Parent Rights and Responsibilities
- BP_5021 Noncustodial Parents
- BP_5022 Student and Family Privacy Rights
- BP_5030 Student Wellness
- BP_5111 Admission
- BP_5112.1 Exemptions from Attendance
- BP_5112.5 Open/Closed Campus
- BP_5113.1 Chronic Absence and Truancy
- BP_5113.2 Work Permits
- BP_5113 Absences and Excuses
- BP_5116.1 Intradistrict Open Enrollment
- BP_5116 School Attendance Boundaries
- BP_5117 Interdistrict Attendance
- BP_5118 Open Enrollment Act Transfers
- BP_5119 Students Expelled from Other Districts
- BP_5121 Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement
- BP_5123 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention
- BP_5125.1 Release of Directory Information
- BP_5125 Student Records
- BP_5126 Awards for Achievement
- BP_5127 Graduation Ceremonies and Activities
- BP_5131.1 Bus Conduct
- BP_5131.4 Student Disturbances
- BP_5131.5 Vandalism and Graffiti
- BP_5131.6 Alcohol and Other Drugs
- BP_5131.62 Tobacco
- BP_5131.63 Steriods
- BP_5131.7 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
- BP_5131.9 Academic Honesty
- BP_5131 Conduct
- BP_5132 Dress and Grooming
- BP_5136 Gangs
- BP_5137 Positive School Climate
- BP_5138 Conflict Resolution/Peer Mediation
- BP_5141.21 Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions
- BP_5141.22 Infectious Diseases
- BP_5141.23 Asthma Management
- BP_5141.27 Food Allergies/Special Dietary Needs
- BP_5141.3 Health Examinations
- BP_5141.31 Immunizations
- BP_5141.33 Head Lice
- BP_5141.4 Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting
- BP_5141 Health Care and Emergencies
- BP_5142 Safety
- BP_5144.1 Suspension and Expulsion/ Due Process
- BP_5144 Discipline
- BP_5145.11 Questioning and Apprehension by Law Enforcement
- BP_5145.12 Search and Seizure
- BP_5145.2 Freedom of Speech/Expression
- BP_5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment
- BP_5145.6 Parental Notifications
- BP_5145.7 Sexual Harassment
- BP_5145.9 Hate-Motivated Behavior
- BP_5147 Dropout Prevention
- BP_5148.2 Before/After School Programs
- BP_5148.3 Preschool/Early Childhood Educuation
- BP_5148 Child Care and Development
- BP_5149 At-Risk Students
Series 6000: Instruction
- AR_6020 Parent Involvement
- AR_6115 Ceremonies and Observances
- AR_6116 Classroom Interruptions
- AR_6141 Curriculum Development and Evaluations
- AR_6142.1 Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction
- AR_6142.2 World/Foreign Language Instruction
- AR_6142.7 Physical Education and Activity
- AR_6142.8 Comprehensive Health Care
- AR_6143 Course of Study
- AR_6145 Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activies
- AR_6153 School-Sponsored Trips
- AR_6158 Independent Study
- AR_6159.1 Procedural Safeguards and Complaints for Special Education
- AR_6159.2 Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School and Agency Services for Special Education
- AR_6159.3 Appointment of Surrogate Parent for Special Education Students
- AR_6159.4 Behavioral Interventions for Special Education Students
- AR_6159 Individualized Education Program
- AR_6161.1 Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
- AR_6162.6 Use of Copyrighted Materials
- AR_6162.8 Research
- AR_6162.51 Standardized Testing and Reporting Program
- AR_6163.2 Animals at School
- AR_6163.4 Student Use of Technology
- AR_6164.2 Guidance/Counseling Services
- AR_6164.4 Identification and Evaluation of Individuals for Special Education
- AR_6164.5 Student Success Teams
- AR_6164.6 Identification and Education Under Section 504
- AR_6164.41 Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private School
- AR_6171 Title 1 Programs
- AR_6172 Gifted and Talented Student Program
- AR_6173.1 Education for Foster Youth
- AR_6173 Education for Homeless Children
- AR_6174 Education for English Learners
- AR_6179 Supplemental Instruction
- AR_6183 Home and Hospital Instruction
- BP_6000 Concepts and Roles
- BP_6020 Parent Involvement
- BP_6111 School Calendar
- BP_6112 School Day
- BP_6115 Ceremonies and Observences
- BP_6118 Weather-Related Schedules
- BP_6120 Response to Instruction and Intervention
- BP_6141.2 Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs
- BP_6141 Curriculum Development and Evaluation
- BP_6142.1 Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction
- BP_6142.2 World/Foreign Language Instruction
- BP_6142.3 Civic Education
- BP_6142.5 Environmental Education
- BP_6142.6 Visual and Performing Arts Education
- BP_6142.7 Physical Education and Activity
- BP_6142.8 Comprehensive Health Education
- BP_6142.91 Reading/Language Arts Instruction
- BP_6142.92 Mathematic Instruction
- BP_6142.93
- BP_6142.94
- BP_6143 Course of Study
- BP_6145.2
- BP_6145.8
- BP_6145
- BP_6146.4
- BP_6146.5
- BP_6151
- BP_6152
- BP_6153
- BP_6154
- BP_6158
- BP_6159.1
- BP_6159.2
- BP_6159.3
- BP_6159
- BP_6161.1
- BP_6161.2
- BP_6161.3
- BP_6161.11
- BP_6161
- BP_6162.5
- BP_6162.6
- BP_6162.8
- BP_6162.51
- BP_6162.54
- BP_6163.1
- BP_6163.2
- BP_6163.4
- BP_6164.2
- BP_6164.4
- BP_6164.5
- BP_6164.6
- BP_6164.41
- BP_6171
- BP_6172
- BP_6173.1
- BP_6173
- BP_6174
- BP_6177
- BP_6179
- BP_6190
- E_6173
Series 8000: Category Unused
Series 9000: Bylaws of the Board