Special Education and Support Services
Public Hearing Notice
The Fruitvale School District's Special Education and Support Services Department provides a wide range of services and programs to meet the needs of differently-abled students eligible for Special Education services. To the maximum extent possible, students with disabilities will be provided the opportunity to be educated with age-appropriate non-disabled peers and receive all necessary supports and services to benefit from their educational program.
All services are provided in the Least Restrictive Environment, usually at the student’s home school in collaboration with the general education program. However, some services and programs are only available at specified schools throughout the District and may require enrollment at a designated site. In addition, some students who require more intensive programs may be served by the Kern County Superintendent of Schools SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area).
Parents who suspect that their child may be differently-abled or in need of additional services should confer with their child's teacher regarding their concerns and request a referral to the Student Study Team. If the child continues to exhibit difficulties after exhausting services and modifications in the general education program, the Student Study Team and/or parents may request an assessment to determine eligibility for special education services.
After receiving parent consent, qualified staff will conduct an assessment. An Individualized Educational Planning team, which includes parent participation, will meet to review the assessment information, determine eligibility, develop appropriate educational goals and objectives and identify the services that are needed to address the goals and objectives. The Individualized Educational Plan is reviewed at least annually with the parent and team members.
The Special Education and Support Services Department includes Highly Qualified Special Education Teachers, Speech/Language Pathologists, School Psychologists, Nurse, LVN, Occupational Therapist, Counselors, other related services providers, and Instructional Assistants. Together we plan and provide educational programs for students with disabilities in partnership with general education staff, administrators and parents.
We will nurture individuals, who value themselves and others and provide an educational foundation that enables students to have the ability to think, communicate, create and apply their unique learning experiences throughout their lifetime. We believe that parents are a valuable and essential part of the educational process and that their aspirations for and insights about their child’s program are an integral component as we plan together for their child’s educational success.
Notice of Procedural Safeguards and Parents Notice
504 Rights
Mission Statement
Fruitvale School District’s Special Education and Support Services Department’s mission is to serve the “Whole Child”. Our goal is to prepare each student to be a contributing member of society, by participating successfully in the local and global community. We empower students to achieve their academic potential, based on their individual strengths and abilities, while at the same time facilitating their social and emotional development, with a goal of becoming lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
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